Make Minecraft Awesome

Become a part of the most exciting Minecraft community project yet. Sponsor SpongePowered today and help us make Minecraft awesome.

The SpongePowered Team is looking to partner with companies and/or organizations to help us develop the Sponge Platform, help developers transition to using our API, and inform server operators about the benefits of using Sponge for their servers.

About SpongePowered

What is Sponge? A new Minecraft server API, with matching implementations for Vanilla and Forge, created by the community for the community. Our vision is to make Minecraft modding as easy as possible, both for developers and server operators.

SpongePowered is a major project that receives input from developers and users across the entire Minecraft community. We have over 30 Staff and Developers on our Team (see our complete staff list on our documentation). We collaborate closely with developers from other projects in the community, including Bukkit, Cauldron, Forge, and Spout, as well as Mojang itself. Our amazing community involves and commits themselves to the project, whether through developing plugins, displaying their creativity, or by spreading the word.

Due to the scale of the Sponge Project, we are looking to give additional organisations the ability to help support the development of both our Platform and Community in a cooperative and constructive manner.

Why Sponsor Us?

Your sponsorship would help us cover the resources required to host websites, downloads and other necessary expenses outside the scope of arrangements that we currently have in place with our existing (and very helpful) sponsors.

We would be able to send staff to represent the Sponge project at events and conventions, like Minecon, which allows us to interact directly with the community.

Your Logo will be placed in a sponsorship list on the SpongePowered Homepage, prominently visible to all site visitors.

Your Logo will be featured and sponsorship gratefully acknowledged in various SpongePowered-produced media, including the State of Sponge livestreams.

Logo placement, promotion and sponsor acknowledgement at events SpongePowered representatives attend, varying by event.

Our Sponsors